
Why are more and more Lawyers and Law Students Meditating?

Why are more and more Lawyers and Law Students Meditating?

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The mental wellbeing of legal practitioners has become a source of concern for many in recent times. Based on the investigations of the American Bar Association in recent times, a lot of lawyers have been indicated as unhappy. 

Lawyers who have experienced mild or higher levels of depression have been estimated to be 28%, while 19% have been estimated to experience various forms of anxiety. The research also indicated that 23% of lawyers have gone through chronic stages of stress, and 20.6% have a problem with alcohol consumption. 

When checked side by side with the highly educated workforce checked for alcohol consumption, it was established that lawyers drink most, as only 11.8% of the workforce suffer from an alcohol problem. As regards to how regular workers take alcohol, the research showed that lawyers who partook in the research indicated a higher level than the doctors, as only 15% of doctors took alcohol frequently, in contrast to 36.4% of lawyers.

As we have established the percentage of unhappy lawyers, the reason for lawyer’s unhappiness is the next thing to investigate.

Most times, lawyers have to come in contact with issues and people that are unpleasant. People visit a lawyer mostly to solve an issue that makes one sad, it is either the client is struggling to repay a debt or have a contract issue to resolve and many others, and this unintentionally and inadvertently affects the mood of the lawyer. 

Another reason lawyers are unhappy is the fact that they have very little control, yet are expected to produce the desired result for the client. Indeed lawyers are seen as superhuman sometimes; however, there are numerous things out of the control of lawyers. 

Lawyers have no control over the facts of an issue, or the law pertaining to an issue. So also lawyers do not have control over the lawyers of the opposition, the judge, etc. But still they are expected to produce the desired outcome, and if the client is not satisfied, the lawyer can be tagged a failure. This leads to unhappiness for most lawyers. The trauma that comes affects a huge chunk of legal practitioners.

Why is meditation the answer for Lawyers and Law Students?

One of the strongest characters an individual can inculcate into his/her lifestyle is Meditation. Meditation will assist individual control stress, bring down the level of blood pressure, and it will assist one to act accordingly in different scenarios.

Thus meditation can serve as a tool for lawyers to maintain a cool head in times of troubling events. Meditation also offers lawyers the opportunity to have a wider and broader notion concerning the case of a client instead of refusing to change your opinion about a case. 

Meditation also teaches lawyers to accept reality and forget what happened in the past and stop worrying about the future, thus giving the lawyer the ability to concentrate on solving the case at hand. In essence, Lawyers should also meditate to develop the ability to concentrate on the present environment without being distracted.

Meditation also teaches lawyers to understand their boundaries and how to effectively control one’s energy and time instead of stressing over issues that eventually results in unhappiness. Meditation should also be practiced by lawyers to assist them in maintaining their physical and mental well-being. 

The practice of meditation leads to a reduction in stress and anxiety level, it also reduces depression level, and it enhances the control of emotions. It has been established that the biggest challenges to the well-being of lawyers is stress and anxiety, but with meditation, a lawyer can do away with that. Some resultant effects of this include enhanced working memory, greater compassion for people, and self-consciousness.

In addition, the practice of meditation can also lead to increased productivity in lawyers as they will be able to think objectively and without distraction, even under stress.

Finally, meditation can help lawyers to become happier with their lives as they tend to accept things as they are and be non-judgmental about their failures.


Meditation will assist the mind stay healthy and develop a defense against unnecessary thoughts the same way routine physical exercise will assist the body in staying healthy. 

Setting out a specific period to look after one’s mental health and well-being by meditation reduces stress for lawyers, and it also enhances the potential of the meditating lawyer to become the best. The synergistic effect of meditating is that one becomes a lawyer who is successful and also enjoys what he/she is doing.



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